About Us
Company Profile, Quality, Risk
Hello Tham is a boutique management consulting firm, registered in Australia (ABN 44 617 279 115). We deliver consulting services to clients around the world.
We specialise in:
- Business and IT strategies
- Operating models
- Strategic roadmaps
- Enterprise architecture
- Analytics and Data Science
- Business process design
We also assist our clients in implementing our recommendations, models and strategies.
About our logo
Our logo reflects who we are and our values.
The Circle reflects our holistic approach to deliver services to our clients. The Eyes reflect the insights we provide to our clients through the outcomes we achieve. The Gear reflects the type of services we provide, which require different parts to interoperate and flow as well as our technology
Quality Statement
Quality is important to our business because we value our clients. We strive to provide our customers with consulting services which meet and even exceed their expectations. We are committed to continuous improvement. Although we do not have a formal Quality Management System, we have the following systems and procedures in place (aligned to the seven ISO 9000 Quality Management Principles) to support us in our aim of total customer satisfaction and continuous improvement throughout our business:
- regular gathering and monitoring of client feedback;
- training and development for our employees;
- regular review of our internal processes, consulting methodologies and tools for providing our services;
- measurable quality objectives for our consulting services which reflect our business aims;
- management reviews of completed consulting services, client feedback and complaints.
Though the Principal of the Company has ultimate responsibility for Quality all employees and sub-contractors have a responsibility within their own areas of work so helping to ensure that Quality is embedded within the whole of the company.
Risk Management Statement
Risk management is the process of making and carrying out decisions that will minimise the adverse effect of accidental losses upon our company. The risk management process is vital to the personal health and safety of employees and the safety of the public. In financial terms, it is vital to our ability to pursue our goals, commence and operate programs, and to perform duties in an efficient and professional manner.
Our risk management goals and objectives include:
- Avoiding exposure to accidental loss by not undertaking functions, contracts, programs or activities where the potential loss is greater than the potential benefit to be derived from these undertakings
- Preventing loss by identifying loss exposures and implementing mitigation strategies to reduce the risk of these losses occurring
- Controlling losses that do occur by:
- Assisting and supporting injured parties
- Developing contingency plans for possible loss scenarios
- Proper documentation and investigation of losses
- Determining the most cost effective balance of different risk financing tools
- Raising the awareness of all clients, employees, suppliers and sub-contractors concerning risk management within our organisation.
We apply the above goals and objectives in our consulting services in alignment with and within the framework of our client’s risk management systems, policies and procedures as well as within the overall ISO 31000 principles and guidelines.
Privacy Policy
We respect and adhere to client confidentiality in the work we perform on behalf of our clients and will not disclose any information without our client’s approval.
Our privacy policy for the website can be viewed in a separate page on our website: Privacy Policy
About this website
This website was built using the following technology stack:
- Astro
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS and TailwindUI
- HeroIcons
- Hero Patterns
- AlpineJS
- unDraw for illustrations
- MDX and Markdown
- ESLint for error-checking
- SendGrid for email delivery
- Schema.org and JSON for Linking Data
- Open Graph used by Facebook
- Twitter Cards